Just For Today.

As we bring in the new year, we find ourselves very motivated to be a healthier, calmer, more productive version of ourselves.   As we settle into the year... everyday life takes it toll, goals are set too high, and with no accountability - quickly our intentions become unattainable and we lose motivation. We fall back into our old, comfortable patterns, and it's inevitable that we will give up all together. May we be reminded that we can begin again. Yes, we can begin again now - in this ...

Soul+Food #1: Bone Broth

           March 13th will kick off the 2016 Soul+Food Series. What is Soul+Food? Liz Davis, RN, NTP and myself will be teaching a series of classes that we have coined Soul+Food. Soul+Food is a way to synergistically promote a stronger, healthier mind, body and soul.  We will be offering a nurturing yoga class and then teaching you the skills, knowledge and tools on how to introduce nutrient-dense foods into your life and into your family's lives. We offered this series las ...